Sunday, February 5, 2023

Week 3, Wine Blog 1 (Villa Jolanda 'I Love You' Vino Spumante)


                                                                      Feb 5, 2023

                                     The WineVilla Jolanda 'I Love You' Vino Spumante

Varietal: 100% Muscat Blanc Blend | Region&Country: Piedmont, Italy

Year: N.V. | Price: $7.99

  • Tasting notes according to Vivino: minerals, honey, earthy, citrus, marmalade, elderflower (
  • Wine Folly description of Asti Spumantes: sparkling Italian wine, one of the sweeter wines you can get, highly perfumed and frothy (
I have finally realized I should just be buying splits, and they definitely save me money on tastings, so I will definitely continue from here out. This wine had an interesting sweet nose, a little on the funky-sweet side rather than candy-sweet. The body was light and not acidic, but also not very complex. It had hints of peach, honey, citrus, and fresh green grapes. Nothing really on the finish. It also seemed to have a LOT of carbonation- enough to froth up for several seconds before looking like liquid when I poured.

I had this wine with some fruits and soft cheeses like brie and goat cheese. It was a nice pairing: very summery and light. The bubbly wine made the flavor of everything pop, and the sweetness was nice to balance out the tart fruit. 

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Week 9, Wine Blog 2 (JP Chenet Sauvignon Blanc)

                                                                          19  March , 2023                                                  ...